Why SOPs Will Make or Break Your 2021

Why SOPs Will Make or Break Your 2021

It’s just three letters, but they’re critical ones. If you haven’t heard the acronym SOP (often referred to as SOPs), it stands for standard operating procedures.

SOPs are the documented processes that help employees effectively and safely perform their jobs.

Every single employee in your organization needs to understand, complete and follow these step-by-step desk procedures—especially right now. I like to use the example of the fast-food chain McDonald’s:

Regardless of where you order the Big Mac, you know that it is made exactly the same way every single time. It doesn’t matter which country, state or city you’re in—the meat weighs the same and your burger is cooked at the same temperature for the same amount of time.

Finally, it’s put together with the exact same pickles, lettuce, tomato, mustard and mayonnaise on a sesame seed bun, unless you tell them otherwise!

That wouldn’t happen without SOPs and training.

I’ve seen many companies struggle this year because of COVID-19. Both financially and because employees or their families have become sick with COVID-19 and they couldn’t report for work.

Organizations are then scrambling to make-do when an employee is absent and no one knows how to do that person’s job.

The pandemic is still raging on, with some glimmers of hope as frontline health workers and at-risk individuals are beginning to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

But we’re still uncertain about what 2021 will bring. That’s why SOPs are more important to your organization’s success than ever!

5 Benefits of SOPs

  1. Employees know what’s expected of them.

    This is especially important as companies grow and new roles are created. Often, a CEO or manager handles certain tasks until the organization reaches a certain size, and it can be a challenge to transfer their “tribal” knowledge to an employee.

    Most employees know things they don’t even know they know!

    By having written standard operating procedures, new staff can more easily understand the role and what’s expected of them.

    Also, nobody can say they didn’t know how to do something if there’s an error or accident, protecting you in the case of a legal dispute.

  2. Quality stays consistent.

    Everyone does things differently, and left to their own devices, your staff will complete a task in the way they think is best. This can lead to costly oversights or quality issues.

    When everyone follows the same process, there’s less room for mistakes, your product or service stays consistent and customers can count on you.

  3. Communication is enhanced.

    It’s so common for businesses to become siloed. While the entire organization is working towards bigger business goals, each department or division has its own priorities and focus.

    This can lead to work being duplicated across departments, decisions being made without including all relevant stakeholders and resentment among workers.

    When you utilize standard operating procedures, you can share ongoing improvements to processes. You can also highlight new training requirements for a more unified organization.

  4. Maintaining compliance is simpler.

    It’s especially crucial right now that you’re following all COVID-19-related rules and regulations. If you’re not, you risk losing your business because of a fine, lawsuit or closure.

    Numerous industries have ever-changing regulatory requirements you need to meet. For example, if you work in health care, you must comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) to protect patient info.

    Documenting the processes you need to follow will provide you with peace of mind. You’ll know that you’re following regulatory requirements and you’ll have proof in case auditors come knocking.

    I can also be your guide as you navigate the legal landmines of COVID-19. I’ll show you what you must do to safeguard your business and keep your employees and customers safe.

    Instantly access my webinar training Pivot Your Way to Success Over, Around and Through COVID-19 & Beyond.

  5. Workplace injuries and fatalities can be prevented.

    In 2019 in the U.S., there were 2.8 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses. There were 5,333 workplace fatalities. The causes of many of these injuries and fatalities included:

    • Slips and falls
    • Exposure to harmful substances or environments
    • Fires and explosions

    How many of these could have been prevented? By providing staff with the right training and well-documented SOPs, you could reduce the risk that a tragic accident or lawsuit will destroy your business.

    I can provide you with access to over 275 web-based training courses created and led by experts in their field, including those on safe transportation, personal protective equipment (PPE) and fire extinguishers.

While there’s no doubt that standard operating procedures are central to your organization’s safety and success, there’s no one-size-fits-all template for your business.

Whether it’s documenting production line steps, getting invoices paid or the approval process of external communications such as press releases, every industry and organization will have unique needs.

Let me help you define which SOPs your company should have, and work with you to create an implementation plan. Send me a message online or call me at (903) 245-2199 to book your free consultation.

As part of your procedural planning for 2021, I also want to highlight the importance of succession planning. COVID-19 has unexpectedly taken vital employees out of commission, threatening the organization’s future.

Not having a strong bench is not acceptable—you need to have a succession plan so that you can replace key employees when they leave, retire or pass away unexpectedly. Learn more.

Business Management
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