What the Paid Sick Leave Extension Means for You

What the Paid Sick Leave Extension Means for You

A new $900 billion coronavirus relief bill is now law. The question of whether or not the federal Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) and Emergency Family and Medical Leave (EFMLA) will be extended has been answered: yes. However, as part of the new $900 billion coronavirus relief bill that recently became law, an employee will no longer be entitled by law to take EPSL or EFMLA—even if they have a…

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Why SOPs Will Make or Break Your 2021

Why SOPs Will Make or Break Your 2021

It’s just three letters, but they’re critical ones. If you haven’t heard the acronym SOP (often referred to as SOPs), it stands for standard operating procedures. SOPs are the documented processes that help employees effectively and safely perform their jobs. Every single employee in your organization needs to understand, complete and follow these step-by-step desk procedures—especially right now. I like to use the example of the fast-food chain McDonald’s: Regardless…

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The Employee COVID-19 Risk You Could Be Missing

Employee COVID-19 Risk You Could Be Missing

When business owners think about employee health and safety, their thoughts are generally focused on the physical. Things like avoiding hazards that could cause a staff member or customer to slip and fall. Understanding the laws around testing for COVID-19 in the workplace. However, keeping your workforce safe and healthy includes prioritizing employee mental health. As your workers are coping with the pandemic, they’re under a great deal of stress—even…

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How to Keep Your Top Employees from Quitting in 2021

How to Keep Your Top Employees from Quitting in 2021

It’s nearly the end of 2020, and what a year it’s been. The entire world has changed the way we interact with friends and family, work, play, shop…and so on. For many business owners, this global shift has made 2020 a year of reactivity rather than productivity. It’s been hard for many employers to look beyond maintaining their cash flow, dealing with fewer staff and customers. Plus, they have to…

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Don’t Get Burned By A COVID-19 Employment Lawsuit or Fine

Avoid COVID-19 Employment Lawsuit or Fine

You may have noticed I’ve been very focused on this topic in the past few months. It’s because I’m really concerned for small and medium-sized business owners. Each day I’m seeing articles like “A ‘tidal wave’ of Covid-related workplace lawsuits could be on the way” and noticing the numbers going up on Littler’s COVID-19 Labor & Employment Litigation Tracker. According to Littler, an international employment law firm, since March 12…

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Effective & Empowering Performance Management of Remote Workers


Thinking back to pre-COVID-19 times, how did you manage your employees’ performance? I’m sure it was much easier when you were in the same room as your staff, providing feedback or answering questions when you could make “real” eye contact and read their body language. But when your workforce is at home, things get trickier. Managing and evaluating performance isn’t so straightforward anymore. Here are a few reasons why it’s…

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4 Tips on Choosing Employee Benefits for 2021

4 tips on choosing employee benefits for 2021

2020 has presented HR professionals (not to mention everyone!) with some unique challenges. Many organizations have had to make changes to employee benefits because of COVID-19. Despite the unknowns around the pandemic as many organizations forge ahead, it’s time to think about coverage decisions for the coming year. Generally, insurers provide health plan costs for the following year in October, which is approaching quickly. Employers continue to protect the health…

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How to Create a Great Remote Workplace Culture


Many employees have grown accustomed to working 100% remotely because of COVID-19. And according to lots of news lately, that could be here to stay. These estimates predict that 25-30% of the workforce will be working from home regularly by the end of 2021. Why? Lots of leaders have realized that their employees can be engaged and productive while working from home. And it makes good financial sense to many…

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Create a Return to Work Plan That Protects Everyone

Create a Return to Work Plan That Protects Everyone

Many people are still working remotely with no set date to return to the office or production site. But companies everywhere are working hard to plan for the return of employees to the workplace. To do so, businesses create risk models to envision certain scenarios, get input from HR teams and management, and rely on employee feedback, in order to create a return to work plan. As we see some…

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Managing Your Remote Employees—Now & After COVID-19

Managing Your Remote Employees—Now & After COVID-19

Adjusting to a remote workplace is challenging for leaders and employees alike. While close to 25% of the American labor force works from home at least part of the time, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, we’ve never been so separated from each other before. From productivity concerns to family demands, there is no shortage of things to worry about during this time. Even if you love working…

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