Mrs. Shondra Greene

I always felt like just ‘being’ was a struggle and I didn’t know why. After working with Katherine and taking advantage of coaching expertise, I started to understand my true nature and find my own ‘True North’. It was then that my life started to flow. I discovered that my daily reactions had been based on learned behaviors, not my authentic self. My family and I rapidly noticed positive shifts in my behavior and I experienced a renewed energy for life as I went with the flow towards my goals and dreams.

We had a few follow up coaching sessions which helped me gain the confidence to allow my authentic self to shine and to let go of behavior that no longer served a purpose in my life. As the provider for my family, I was able for the first time to clearly and confidently express my career and financial goals with my managers. Together we composed an action plan to help me reach those goals.

Within a month I moved into the window office I’d dreamed of for years. Before the assessments she used and her coaching, I dreaded going home to my cramped tiny house. Now, less than a year later, I own three homes and I can’t wait to go to my beautiful home each day when I leave my window office.

I highly recommend Katherine Hartvickson for anyone who wants more out of life – and don’t we all want that?

Mrs. Shondra GreeneBanking Industry / Redding, California