Tag Archives: employee evaluations

The Dos and Don’ts of Employee Performance Reviews

The Dos and Don’ts of Employee Performance Reviews

As an employer, you want to make sure your employees are performing at their best. And one of the best ways to do that is by conducting employee performance reviews. But if these kinds of performance evaluations aren’t done properly, they can end up doing more harm than good. In any case, getting this right is incredibly important, as employees already tend to look at performance reviews in a decidedly…

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Effective & Empowering Performance Management of Remote Workers


Thinking back to pre-COVID-19 times, how did you manage your employees’ performance? I’m sure it was much easier when you were in the same room as your staff, providing feedback or answering questions when you could make “real” eye contact and read their body language. But when your workforce is at home, things get trickier. Managing and evaluating performance isn’t so straightforward anymore. Here are a few reasons why it’s…

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