Reduce Implicit Bias with Mindful Meditation


In business, as in life, it’s important to make informed, impartial decisions. But what we often don’t realize is that our biases are pushing us to make certain assumptions subconsciously, every day. Implicit biases can be dangerous. They cause us to make negative associations about categories of people based on previously established associations and what we think we know. A new study from The Central Michigan University suggests that we can change this – by practicing mindful meditation. By focusing on the here and now, it’s possible to see things for what they actually are (instead of what we perceive them to be) and to use this to make better decisions. This course will arm you with the tools needed to choose your actions more thoughtfully. Whether you’re a first-time manager or an experienced leader, you’ll be able to make better, balanced, and non-judgmental decisions for you and your team.