Embracing Workplace Appreciation: Empowering Organizations by Recognizing Employees

Embracing Workplace Appreciation: Empowering Organizations by Recognizing Employees

Is your business suffering from communication breakdowns? My name is Katherine Hartvickson of Quantum Ascendance, an HR Consulting & Leadership Development company. We help you develop your People and create sustainable Processes so that you enjoy a Profitable and Winning Culture.

Today’s business world is filled with an overwhelming amount of social media, texts and emails, yet I’ve found there is still a lack of clear and compelling communicating happening.

This is especially true for small businesses that often lack the resources to give this topic the attention it deserves. True communication is more important now than it’s ever been, yet we seem to devote less and less time to really listening to one another.

Listening is an art that helps ensure understanding, improves relationships, solves problems, and improves accuracy and efficiency.

In the first video of this 3-part series, I’ve included several tips for sharing employee appreciation messages.

To be really effective as a manager, you need to understand the importance of praising employees for their good work.

When you acknowledge employees’ performance, engagement increases and workplace culture improves. But many managers don’t know how to provide employee recognition effectively.

That’s why I’m revealing some key strategies for communicating employee recognition at work — watch and learn:

  • How acknowledging achievements motivates employees to repeat that action.
  • The importance of being specific about the positive behavior they exhibited.
  • Why complimenting workers motivates workers to keep going the extra mile.

Watch Part 1 in the series here on communicating Employee Recognition:

Related Resources:

Successfully yours,
Katherine Hartvickson

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Business Leadership, Team Management
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