Category: Career Management

Upskilling vs. Reskilling: Which One Is Best for Your Business?

Upskilling vs. Reskilling: Which One Is Best for Your Business?

One of the biggest headaches for business owners today is figuring out how to keep their employees’ skills fresh and relevant. And in a world where it seems like a groundbreaking technological advancement is happening at each and every moment, this isn’t getting any less important. What’s more, the pace of this change is not going to slow down – at least not anytime soon. That being said, one of…

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How to Create a Culture of Continuous Learning in the Workplace

How to Create a Culture of Continuous Learning in the Workplace

As a business owner, building a solid team, and keeping employees engaged, are some of the most difficult things to do. And many business owners don’t want to be bothered, so they’ll just hire whomever, leave them to their own devices, and hope everything works out for the best. But after working in HR for the last four decades, and having seen the often-disastrous results that this approach can produce,…

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9 Hybrid Workplace Best Practices That Every Business Should Follow

9 Hybrid Workplace Best Practices That Every Business Should Follow

Over the last several years, most workplaces have changed dramatically. And one of the biggest changes we’ve seen is the increase in people working from home, either fully remotely, or on some sort of hybrid work schedule. According to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data, the percentage of full days worked from home has quadrupled, going from 7% in 2019 to 28% in 2023. Unfortunately, despite this massive growth, hybrid…

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How Employee Training and Development Can Benefit Your Business

How Employee Training and Development Can Benefit Your Business

Like it or not, if you want to ensure your team is performing at its best, employee training and development is a must. Unfortunately, many employers don’t take this into consideration and would prefer not to have to deal with this sort of thing. But the reality is if you want your team to be productive, and your business to be profitable, while preventing it from becoming a revolving door,…

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How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Woman in Business

Overcome Imposter Syndrome as a Woman in Business

After working in leadership roles for 25 years and being a female entrepreneur and business owner for more than a decade, I know what it’s like trying to overcome imposter syndrome. As a woman in business, I was struggling with this sort of thing for years before finally realizing that I’m just as capable as my male counterparts, no matter how much they dominate the business world. Unfortunately, most women…

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8 Questions Every Business Leader Should Ask Themselves

8 Questions Every Business Leader Should Ask Themselves

It’s lonely at the top. When you’re the leader, you seem to be carrying the weight of the world and the future of your whole business on your shoulders. Most leaders spend their days barely surviving emotionally, but nobody talks about it. In fact, I bet if your employees and colleagues knew how you feel most of the time, they would be shocked. Starting and growing a company comes with…

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How To Retain Your Current Employees (and Survive The Great Resignation!)

I’ve been working as an HR professional for decades, and I can tell you that my colleagues and I have never seen anything like the ‘Great Resignation’ we’re now experiencing. American workers are quitting their jobs like never before, and can expect this trend to continue into 2022. When this pandemic started, there was so much we couldn’t predict, and I don’t think anyone predicted this ‘turnover tsunami.’ That said,…

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How To Use ‘Stay’ Interviews To Keep Your Top Talent

How To Use ‘Stay’ Interviews To Keep Your Top Talent

Given the looming turnover crisis experts are now predicting, it’s more important than ever to keep employees happy. But in order to keep them happy, you have to know what makes them happy. And the only way to know what makes them happy is to ask them. A picture is worth a thousand words, and since a ‘stay’ interview is a first-hand picture of what your employee is thinking and…

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Managing Multiple Generations In The Workplace

Managing Multiple Generations In The Workplace

There’s no doubt that managers have a lot on their plate these days. Between managing remote work, divisive politics in the workplace and an increasingly diverse workforce, they certainly have their work cut out for them. The reality is that in today’s world, the workforce is diverse in just about every way you can think of – which is great because diversity strengthens your business. But it also means that…

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How to Create a Great Remote Workplace Culture


Many employees have grown accustomed to working 100% remotely because of COVID-19. And according to lots of news lately, that could be here to stay. These estimates predict that 25-30% of the workforce will be working from home regularly by the end of 2021. Why? Lots of leaders have realized that their employees can be engaged and productive while working from home. And it makes good financial sense to many…

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