Category: Business Management

Effective & Empowering Performance Management of Remote Workers


Thinking back to pre-COVID-19 times, how did you manage your employees’ performance? I’m sure it was much easier when you were in the same room as your staff, providing feedback or answering questions when you could make “real” eye contact and read their body language. But when your workforce is at home, things get trickier. Managing and evaluating performance isn’t so straightforward anymore. Here are a few reasons why it’s…

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Create a Return to Work Plan That Protects Everyone

Create a Return to Work Plan That Protects Everyone

Many people are still working remotely with no set date to return to the office or production site. But companies everywhere are working hard to plan for the return of employees to the workplace. To do so, businesses create risk models to envision certain scenarios, get input from HR teams and management, and rely on employee feedback, in order to create a return to work plan. As we see some…

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Updating Your Workplace Policies & Procedures During COVID-19

Updating Your Workplace Policies & Procedures During COVID-19

From hospitality to education, the coronavirus has impacted every industry. Also known as COVID-19, the pandemic has led to more than 100,000 deaths worldwide, and we’re self-isolating for an indefinite period of time to prevent the spread of infection as much as possible. I don’t doubt that COVID-19 has affected your business, and it will continue to do so for at least the near future. It can feel scary not…

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3 Important U.S. Employment Law Changes in 2020

It wouldn’t be a new year without several U.S. employment law changes! In 2020, employers are going to need to stay on top of more than a dozen federal and state laws that came into effect on January 1, 2020. While we can’t cover all dozen-plus new labor laws and regulations in one article, let’s look at three that could have a big impact on your business. 1. A new…

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Looking Ahead at 5 HR Trends for 2020

Looking Ahead at 5 HR Trends for 2020

At the end of each year, I like to look back at what I’ve accomplished: what went well and what didn’t. There are valuable lessons in understanding this before you start planning the next year. It’s also important to look forward—no matter what field you’re in—at what you’d like to focus on in the upcoming year. For me, it’s to launch my new HR training program for small business owners…

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How to Throw an HR-Friendly Employee Holiday Party

As the end of 2019 quickly approaches, many employers are planning employee holiday parties to celebrate the season and show their appreciation. According to an OfficeTeam survey of more than 2,800 senior managers, 93% said their companies would be having holiday festivities this year. As fun as employee holiday parties can be, they can also strike fear in the heart of HR professionals, who must limit employer liability and staff…

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Should You Set Up an HR Department or is an HR Consultant Better Right Now?

Should You Set Up an HR Department or is an HR Consultant Better Right Now

Growth is great, but along with it comes challenges. Many organizations find themselves having to decide when to outsource human resources functions to a consultant, or how to create a dedicated department for organizational support. As a small business owner you most likely had to handle all HR functions to manage costs, and then later realized that you were spending a lot of your time navigating uncharted waters when the…

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4 Mistakes Organizations Make When Training Employees


Workplace training isn’t a nice-to-have; if you want skilled, engaged employees who stick around, it’s a necessity. Also, your company can be on the hook if you don’t educate your staff on issues such as sexual harassment and diversity. American companies spend enormous amounts of money training employees every year—an estimated $160 billion. But too often, these efforts are wasted for a number of different reasons. Here are four common…

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Be Proactive to Hire the Right Candidate Every Time

Be Proactive to Hire the Right Candidate Every Time_Woman Waiting for Job Interview

Have you ever heard someone say that “She was born to be” something, or that “He was wired” for a certain career? Why is it that these people thrive, while others in similar positions struggle and fail? It’s because when you have an employee in a role that aligns with their passions, skills and strengths, they excel. When the employee is not a good fit, their coworkers and the business…

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How Managing Millennial Employees is Different

What do you think of when I say, “millennials in the workplace?” Are you reminded of a hardworking child or grandchild, or do you think about entitlement and avocado toast? Although their age range varies depending on who you ask, generally the consensus is that they’re the people who were born between 1981 and 1996. Gallup estimates that there are approximately 73 million millennials in America. They’re already the largest…

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