Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late to Hire an HR Professional


When it comes to reasons why a company didn’t hire a human resources consultant, I’ve heard them all: a small business didn’t think they were big enough to warrant it, or the CFO didn’t want to spend the money, or Jane from accounting was taking care of the paperwork. That “worked” until they were suddenly facing a crisis and needed help. Rather than having a dedicated team or person in…

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4 Mistakes Organizations Make When Training Employees


Workplace training isn’t a nice-to-have; if you want skilled, engaged employees who stick around, it’s a necessity. Also, your company can be on the hook if you don’t educate your staff on issues such as sexual harassment and diversity. American companies spend enormous amounts of money training employees every year—an estimated $160 billion. But too often, these efforts are wasted for a number of different reasons. Here are four common…

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The Importance of Conducting an Exit Interview


Whatever the size of your organization, over time people are going to come and go. And, it doesn’t matter if an employee has been at your organization for 10 months or 10 years; conducting an exit interview is an invaluable way to get honest feedback before he or she leaves. Here are a few stats from Gallup: Ninety-one percent of Fortune 500 companies conduct exit interviews Seventy-one percent of employees…

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Be Proactive to Hire the Right Candidate Every Time

Be Proactive to Hire the Right Candidate Every Time_Woman Waiting for Job Interview

Have you ever heard someone say that “She was born to be” something, or that “He was wired” for a certain career? Why is it that these people thrive, while others in similar positions struggle and fail? It’s because when you have an employee in a role that aligns with their passions, skills and strengths, they excel. When the employee is not a good fit, their coworkers and the business…

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5 Ways to Reward Employees When You Can’t Give Raises

5 Ways to Reward Employees When You Can’t Give Raises

Whether you have two employees or 200, it happens to almost every leader at some point: a person asks for a raise and you have to say “No.” For many small business owners, turning someone down is not a matter of poor performance or miserly management; they simply can’t afford to raise wages. While money is obviously ideal for your workers, there are some other ways you can show your…

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How Managing Millennial Employees is Different

What do you think of when I say, “millennials in the workplace?” Are you reminded of a hardworking child or grandchild, or do you think about entitlement and avocado toast? Although their age range varies depending on who you ask, generally the consensus is that they’re the people who were born between 1981 and 1996. Gallup estimates that there are approximately 73 million millennials in America. They’re already the largest…

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5 Myths About Succession Planning

5 Myths About Succession Planning

As a professional HR consultant, I find that bringing up succession planning is a bit like talking about wills—people get uncomfortable, change the subject and put it off rather than facing the facts. However, if you want to have a sustainable business that succeeds after a key player or players are gone, you NEED to have a strong bench in the wings so that you can protect what you’ve built.…

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How to Deal with Difficult Employees Before They Do Damage

How to Deal with Difficult Employees Before They Do Damage

Almost every leader or manager I’ve worked with has a story about an employee (or more than one) who is hard to work with for some reason (or reasons). These challenging people can totally drain the emotional energy of your entire workforce if you don’t address the issue. Of course, as a manager you want to avoid hiring them in the first place, but if they’re on your team, you’re…

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How to Avoid 7 Common Employment Law Violations in 2019

How to Avoid 7 Common Employment Law Violations in 2019

Can you believe we’re into the second month of 2019 already? Each year brings changes in employment law and reminders to familiarize ourselves with the ins and outs to avoid fines, damage to reputation, loss of employees – or even our business. Let’s take a look at some of the top workplace violations so that we can move forward in 2019 informed and prepared. Remember: ignorance is not an excuse…

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Look Back & Move Forward with a SWOT Analysis

Look Back & Move Forward with a SWOT Analysis

2019 has just begun, and many of you made New Year’s resolutions to grow your business, get that promotion, get fit, eat healthy, travel more and so on. I bet you did that last year too. And the year before that. How did it work out for you? Did you find yourself losing interest as other things vied for your time, attention and money? Are you ready to give yourself…

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