5 Top Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners

5 Top Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners

When it comes to running a small business, the most lacking resource is often your own time. I’ve talked about the importance of delegation previously, so let’s now focus on what you can do to manage your own time more effectively!

You’re probably tired even reading this article and already short on time. It’s common for any small business owner or entrepreneur.

The truth is, running a small business can often be even more time consuming than having a C-suite role at a large corporation, and you most likely don’t have an intern assisting you.

So how can you manage your time more effectively? You’ll just have to try harder, right?


Today’s business world is riddled with options for anyone looking for time management tools and you’re going to have to be the one to decide which is right for you.

Some of these are basic set up steps though, so make sure you have these essentials covered:

  1. Use a Scheduling Calendar

    This seems like a very easy step and something anyone would already have, but you’d be surprised at how many do not.

    There are endless free options available to help manage your schedule, so first assess what you already use. For a lot of people this comes down to which kind of phone they have since both Apple and Google’s phones have calendar options that will then sync automatically with your email.

    So sit down with your smart phone and your free calendar option and start mapping out what you do and how long it takes. And if this task seems daunting to you, find a teenager or 20-something to do it for you. They will be happy you asked and so will you.

  2. Prune the Excess

    Look at your schedule and really think about what has been accomplished during each task you undertake.

    There should be something or some things that stand out as wasteful. Does that morning meeting actually provide any value? Does your standing business lunch with someone take up too much time and hasn’t helped you at all?

    Look for things you can drop first, and you’ll start seeing windows of time open up.

  3. Combine Tasks

    Some tasks all lead to the same outcome. If you’re spending 3 hours per week and each hour only repeats what was accomplished during the first, you can easily free up 2 extra hours during your day by combining the meetings or tasks into one.

    Do you meet with one team only to repeat yourself with another? Make those two meetings one and you not only have more free time, you’re also not burdened with having to make the same points to two different teams.

  4. Prioritize Tasks

    Obviously there are some tasks much more essential than others. Tasks such as invoicing, payroll, and other essentials should always come first. So why not put them into the same block of time?

    Black out your schedule for those essential tasks and focus on getting the must-haves out of the way without distractions.

    Then create a hierarchy of importance when planning out all others. Leave the mundane, irrelevant tasks to the end of the day. If you’re going to sacrifice some time later to get those done, that’s fine but don’t put off what must be done for what doesn’t.

    Having priorities saves you from missing things that keep the gears of your business turning so make a list of must-haves and make sure you get them done before even looking at the rest.

  5. Minimize Distractions

    The biggest time wasters are distractions. Whether it’s personal responsibilities or a needy employee you have to keep these away when you’re working or everything you do will take a lot longer.

    This may require having closed door rules or even working from home for an afternoon or two.

    During this time make sure everyone knows you are 100% unavailable unless it’s a dire emergency. This will not only improve the output since you will be more focused, it will also reduce the time required to get those tasks done.

    Even if you’re used to having music on or something playing on your screen, those can affect your productivity and you don’t want that during crucial productivity periods.

If you’re having trouble with any of these steps and want help please let me know. I thrive on helping others succeed with their small businesses and I would love to chat about the issues you’re having.

We’ll work together on what is running you ragged and together we’ll develop a schedule that increases productivity for you and your team so that your business can reach new heights of success!

Business Management, Career Management, Productivity, Time Management