Category: Time Management

What You Can Do to Prevent Time Theft

What You Can Do to Prevent Time Theft

If you have employees, you probably spend more time with them than your own family. That being said, you want to do everything in your power to build respectful relationships with them, giving them as much compassion and empathy as you can, otherwise, you’re going to end up driving each other nuts. But when you’re dealing with something like time theft, you have to find a balance between maintaining those…

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5 Top Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners

5 Top Time Management Tips for Small Business Owners

When it comes to running a small business, the most lacking resource is often your own time. I’ve talked about the importance of delegation previously, so let’s now focus on what you can do to manage your own time more effectively! You’re probably tired even reading this article and already short on time. It’s common for any small business owner or entrepreneur. The truth is, running a small business can…

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Building Your Business with Effective Delegation

Woman at desk

Many entrepreneurs and small business owners start out because their skill set is in demand and they are in a position for growth and expansion. Once they are in charge though, trust can become a serious issue. Without proper delegation of duties the owner inadvertently harms their own earning potential by controlling too much of the business. There is an old saying that every business owner should know by now:…

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Seven Tips For Better Time Management

Seven Tips For Better Time Management

Do you ever feel like there is just never enough time in the day? Do you often feel stressed out with managing your workload? Are you trying to do it all rather than delegate to others in your support circle or your work team? Despite the fact that time is perhaps the most sought-after resource available, most of us are dreadful at spending it wisely. As Benjamin Franklin once said—“By…

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How To Get Clear On Where You’re Going

People often complain about the lack of time when the lack of direction is the real problem - unknown

Have you ever felt that there’s just not enough time in the day? Most often, when we run out of time for projects or pursuits, the reason is that we’ve spent a lot of time lost in ambiguity. When you’re supremely clear about where you’re going and what you want to do, there’s no time lost. Decisions are easy to make, actions are easy to take, and you can get…

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