Policies, Procedures & Employee Handbook

Effective workplace policies and procedures have never been more important than in today’s challenging, ever-changing business world.

It is essential for organizations to have a handbook along with policies and procedures based on best employment practices, if for no other reason than to protect your business and your employees.

Regardless of the size of the company, you need to have basic policies and a handbook so that all employees know what is expected.

But effective policies and procedures offer benefits beyond this – they provide for:

  • Uniformity and consistency in decision-making and operations
  • Demonstration of your core values
  • Quick and efficient action and resolution when a problem occurs
  • Direction of the organization during periods of change
  • Assistance with performance assessment and accountability
  • Improved communication for employees
  • An overall sense of stability and dependability to the workforce
  • And managing employment risk.

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Compliance

Are your employees classified correctly according to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)? Are you prepared for the changes most likely to go into effect sometime in 2016? Do you know the impact it can have on your business if you aren’t?

Well, The National Labor Relations Board has ruled on many cases costing organizations hundreds of thousands of dollars, but that doesn’t have to happen to you.

Misclassification can cost your organization in many forms such as back pay, reclassification and market-competitive compensation adjustments, morale issues and even legal defense fees if suits are filed by employees – present or past (in light of the Lilly Ledbetter Act).

The longer you wait to reclassify your employees the more expensive it may be. And because job duties change over time, what was once an appropriate classification maybe a year or two ago can now be a misclassification.

Quantum Ascendance helps clients meet the legal requirements of the FLSA, reviewing positions’ exempt/non-exempt status and overtime provisions.

Contact us today for your policy and procedure needs.